1. ANTI-HUMAN SMRT(NCoR2)Rabbit polyclonal antibody produced against the C-terminal of human SMRT. Purified by Protein A affinity chromatography Characterised by Western blot, IP, IHC, ChIP. A) Rabbit polyclonal anti-SMRT antibody (NLSALK97) purification on PROFINIA Bio-Scale SuprA protein A and BioScale P-6 10 ml Desalting cartridge (Bio-Rad). Lanes (from left to right): flowthrough, wash, SMRT antibody heavy and light chains (blue) eluted with pH 3.0 Glycine buffer. B) Western blot analysis of SMRT expression in HEK293T total cell lysate transfected with SMRT (left);and Thp-1 total cell lysate, Thp-1, MM6, and 3T3-L1 nuclear extracts. C) SMRT immunostaining of methanol-fixed HEK293T cells (a) and same cell line transfected with SMRT (b), showing nuclear staining. Immunostaining of breast cancer tissue sections (c) SMRT 1:2000, N=20x, (d) H&E staining, N=10x.
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Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Központ
Center for Clinical Genomics and Personalised medicine
Nuclear Hormon Receptor Research Laboratory - NLAB
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Medical and Health Science Center
Research Center for Molecular Medicine