INFRASTRUCTUREPROTEIN PURIFICATION Bio-Rad PROFINIA automated protein affinity purification system Bio-Rad cartridges: Bio-Scale Mini Profinity IMAC Ni-affinity (1 ml, 5 ml)
Bio-Scale Mini Profinity GST affinity (1 ml, 5 ml) UnoSphere SUPrA protein-A affinity (1 ml, 5 ml) UNOsphere Q anion-exchange (1 ml, 5 ml) UNOsphere Q cation-exchange (1 ml, 5 ml) CHT type I cation-exchange (1, 5ml) Bio-Gel P-6 desalting (10, 50 ml) GE Healthcare AKTA Basic chromatografic system
FPLC/HPL Columns:
Bio-Rad Bio-Scale CHT2-I Column, 7 x 52 mm
GE Healthcare Mono-Q column, 1 ml
Bio-Rad Mini Protean Tetracell protein electrophoresis cell Bio-Rad Mini Protean III protein electrophoresis cell Bio-Rad Mini Protean II protein electrophoresis cell Bio-Rad Protean II protein electrophoresis cell Bio-Rad Mini Trans-Blot Cell Bio-Rad MultiScreen Bio-Rad PowerPack HC power supply
Bio-Rad PowerPack Basic power supply Bio-Rad Gel Dryer FLOW CYTOMETRY Access to
FACS Calibur (Becton Dickinson), CellQuest operating system
FACS Aria (Becton Dickinson) Multilaser Cell Sorter
FACS Array (Becton Dickinson)
Access to
Olympus Fluoview FV1000 confocal microscope
CELL CULTURE NuAire biological safety cabinet NuAire CO2 incubator Memmert CO2 incubators
HERMLE cell centrifuge MAMMALIAN PROTEIN EXPRESSION HyperFlask (Corning) bioreactors CELLine (INTEGRA) bioreactors MOLECULAR BIOLOGY General molecular biology equipment ABI Thermal Cycler BTX Electroporator Bio-Rad Mini Subcell DNA electrophoresis cell BACTERIAL LAB SANYO floor-standing shaker JEIOTECH refrigated floor-standing shaker IS 971F
SANYO bacterial incubator Memmert bacterial incubator ACCESS TO
Illumina HyScan next generation sequencer
Diagenode IP-Star epigenetics robot
TECAN Evo 150 robot
Roche qPCR
ABI capillar nucleotide sequencer
Links & Partnes
Links & Partners
Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Központ
Center for Clinical Genomics and Personalised medicine
Nuclear Hormon Receptor Research Laboratory - NLAB
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Medical and Health Science Center
Research Center for Molecular Medicine